When the Help You Need Isn’t There When You Need It
Let’s face it, if you already had reliable, affordable, IT professionals ready to solve your computer troubles at a moment’s notice, you wouldn’t be checking us out.
Here at Norman Alan Company, we know the troubles you’ve seen:
- The go-to IT guy who isn’t there anymore, or isn’t there when you need him. (We have the staffing and experience to meet any IT challenge.)
- The Computer Support Company that causes more problems than they solve. (We’ll never break something, then charge you for our mistake!)
- The IT team that doesn’t listen, or doesn’t get you.
- Then there are the outrageous bills, slow computers, viruses and malware, the backup that doesn’t backup, excessive downtime, and phone calls that are never returned.
All computer professionals are not created equal. Isn’t it time that you aimed higher and expected more? We promise you, we can deliver!

Doing the Right Thing
As the old saying goes, “the buck stops here.” When you call, you’ll never feel like you are being hurried off the phone. Our team is pleased to work with you. We take ownership of each call, and we’ll see it through until your problem is solved.
And maybe you love your IT service, but he, she, or they just need a little extra help from time to time. We can step in and support without stepping on toes.
We pride ourselves on being solid, stable, and always ready with a solution when you need us. Call 724-837-6556, or visit our Contact Us page today.